So proud of these beautiful and smart students as they strive to learn new things everyday! So very thankful for Mary & wonderful caring teachers who pour into these precious Little Hearts made in the image of God! Pray over their Little Souls everyday!💋💋
Graduation 2021 The Little Hearts in PP1 at Becky School are preparing for Graduation this week. I can't wait to get an update from Mary and to see pictures from their Celebration! They will then be promoted to Primary School. Along with this Graduation we will be starting a whole new Grade 4 Class, which will begin the end of July.
I am super excited to get an update after the Graduation takes place and to hear how this new Class is for these students! We have needs for new desks and more teachers. The needs never end, just like anything. But what is different - is our TRUST. It is totally in the Lord. Not ourselves. I have no idea how everything pans out....but I know that everyday we plan and pray and expect God to show Himself strong. I will update with photos after Thursdays Graduation Day! Today they had a Fun was their last day of school until the end of July.... they will start back up until October 1. 2021 they went on a different school calendar than normal. I am just trying to get accustomed to it. Mary told me the children had beef and potatoes and juice and biscuits today and I quote, "It was a beautiful and fun day....thank you for all your support...Thank you!" I am Thankful for the new bathrooms built on the premises of Becky School during covid days in Kibera. We had excellent craftsmen that worked hard to build these new & wonderful bathrooms for the students and teachers. We are getting a new classroom built for the up and coming 4th grade students at Becky School. We got a new sink built on the premises of the school so children could wash their hands and sanitize easily. We got a new water drum for the new bathrooms which was a huge blessing! I am more than grateful for all the people who come alongside Little Hearts to make all of these new things possible! However, I am also reminded from my devotion this week from Truth for Life, that Christ is the Builder! This hit me hard this week when I read the verse....Zechariah 6:13 It is He who shall build the temple of the Lord and shall bear royal honor. Christ Himself is the builder of HIS spiritual temple, and HE has built it on the mountains of HIS unchangeable affection, His omnipotent grace and His infallible truthfulness. What struck me this week is that the stones and the cedars that were used by Solomon in building the Temple of God, they were prepared at the quarry and in the forest before they got to the temple! "Neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron was heard" (I Kings 6:7) because it all was delivered perfectly ready for the spot it would be placed in the Temple. SO IT IS WITH THE TEMPLE THAT JESUS BUILDS! The preparation is done on earth by Jesus' hands! NOT in Heaven. We are not sanctified in Heaven. We are polished, shaped & smoothed (like the stones used in the Temple), totally prepared on earth, readying us to be brought to heaven, to live as eternal pillars & stones in the temple of our Lord! I love this Truth! I love that we can get new structures built on the premises of Becky School.......but IF Christ is NOT our Builder, nothing matters. But with Christ as our Builder, then HIS purpose is fulfilled and we are sanctified in HIM! Whatever stone or pillar is laid will be for eternity when Christ is the Builder. IT IS HIS WORK. May we be His workmanship and glorify His Name in the process. The new sink on the premises of Becky School. So thankful for this new sink! Little Hearts did food Baskets for the Families of the children at Becky School Becky School has been shut down in Kibera since Mid March due to the Coronavirus. When the children come to school they get two meals a day. However, with no school in session, children go hungry. These food baskets help provide a month of food for these families. Thank you Mary & all the teachers for their hard work putting these food baskets together! TO GOD BE THE GLORY for His provisions & His love & Mercy. Thanking God for all those who love & support Little Hearts of Africa as we come alongside Becky School during these very hard & trying times. Little Hearts you are in our prayers everyday! God we praise Your Holy Name!
Praise be to you, Lord the God of our father Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all. Now, our God, we give you thanks and praise your glorious name.
l Chronicles 29:10-12 This is one of my favorite passages. This photo was a sunrise my brother witnessed one morning and sent it to me. I just marvel at the glory, majesty and splendor God displays in HIS sunrises!!!! We also have something to thank GOD for this month...God in HIS graciousness allowed LHOA to purchase the land for Becky's School that they reside on in Kibera. We are so excited for Mary to not have to pay rent anymore to a Landlord and truly we cannot express the miracle of this purchase. Thank you to all of our monthly supporters and people who give out of their generosity!
Thanking God this Day for His Grace! Praying for our attitudes to be of that of Paul in ll Timothy 4 when he was in prison and had no one with him but Dr. Luke. It was his last days on earth before being executed. He was so gracious and not faulting! He prayed for grace to be with others in his last words penned! We whine & complain and grumble! God help me choose to be gracious today! Thanking YOU for your grace that you bestow upon us!
May Grace be with you this day, as we live our days here on this earth. Thank YOU PURE BARRE LAWRENCELittle Hearts of Africa loves and appreciates you all for making a difference in Little ♥️'s Lives! You will never know how much of a difference you have made in the lives of these Children! Thank you for caring! God Bless each of you and Pure Barre Lawrence! A special thanks also to my sweet tender hearted daughter in love - Beth Yenser- 👄👄
AuthorI am a wife, a mom, a sister, a daughter, a mother-in-love and a Grandma. There is nothing more important to me than daily communion with my Lord and Savior. My family means everything to me! But without the Grace of God.....I am nothing! Archives
July 2021
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